Help me God I need you, that’s the common word when we need help
from God. Actually God is always in our side whatever happen when we fall,
failed, in doubt, and other instances arise in our life. He guide us always and
continuing shower his blessings even sometimes we forgot his name. To live with
God is an exciting moment through our journey in life because God’s only knows
who you are, its purpose why you are here in this earth, why you are unique to
others, and why I need to follow God to be his alike. Although we live in a
modern time that bursting of contemporary gadgets and technology were our life
more exciting, God doesn’t allow life more exciting in a modern way of leaving,
instead God wants us to live life more exciting and meaningful by following his
words what he had left on this earth. Life is nothing without God’s presence.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Sunday, November 11, 2012
I’ve got PR 1 status in Google within a month
To rank in Google is hard if you
don’t know some basic SEO strategy on how to get rank within a month. Perhaps, depends how Google rank
your site because there are some other websites/blog sites almost a year they
don’t already get the status of PR 1- 10.
There’s are some other perceptions, depends the number of visitors, value of
the content, visibility of blog, and the structure of your site.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
How to earn money online in the Philippines?
There are various way to how earn money online in the Philippines.
Moreover, depends where the target audience wants to make extra profit, perhaps
to the whole world if possible, but it’s too hard to beat or compete other
competitors in the internet where the same intention you have. Just start only
in a small area within your territory. In addition, there’s a lot of strategy how to earn money online, for instance,
social networking sites is a great tool to communicate the audience what you’re
trying to advertise your things or stuffs. Indeed, most probably investment is
very important. Do you believe without any investment you can earn money
online? Definitely, Yes! Just only the perseverance and patience are always in
your mind because there’s no easy way to
earn money.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Through blogging I have learned a lot
Wants to learn to expand your learnings? Learn how to Blog. I don’t
insist you to do blogging, but it’s only a tips for beginners want to learn to share
their ideas, knowledge, and expertise to the world that might be helpful. It’s
nice to hear or reading comments and testimonials that the readers benefits
from your blog.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
How to become a blogger savvy?
To become a Blogger is not hard to achieve
if you know how to write content of your blog (consider know how to use various
blog platforms). The idea behind your blog is to provide information to
the readers what they are searching in the internet. For instance, a blog is
all about blogging, how could you convince your readers if the content of your
blog provides relevant information about blogging tips? Definitely, it’s up to
you how to write the content of your blog. The most important keyword to keep in
mind is the word “KISS” Keep It Silly Simple. Why? Because readers
don’t read a whole book in order to learn few tips what they are searching for
(review how to write quality content).
It must be straight to the point. They only assume, what they are asking to
search in Search Engine (Google, Bing) will automatically
answered. Just simply state the headlines like “How to become a Blogger?” then, followed the right content based on
the headlines. In addition, the blog content of your blog is very important to
the eye of readers.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Watch out Gardenia Happy Bread Day!
Want to experience Ultimate
Bread? The ultimate bread treat to all families and
friends, this October 20, 2012, at the Eastwood Mall Open Park, Libis, Quezon
City. The celebration of World Bread Day,
a global and significant event every October that espouses the philosophy of
“sharing” and “breaking” of bread as a meaningful and symbolic humanitarian act.
Find out more… Or Sign Up churpchurp to get rewarded and earn extra money.
Monday, October 15, 2012
How to earn money with nuffnang
Nuffnang is an Asia
Pacific's first blog Advertising community includes Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines and
Australia. It almost identical with Google Adsense and other advertising
website where you can earn money as well. However, only 4 bloggers from four
countries are eligible so far. To earn money online with nuffnang is quite simple if
you already have a blog or website. Just go to
if you are in the Philippine area and signup the given information provided,
and just wait for a moment for approval of admin. Once it was approved by the
admin, then you can choose which advertising style (leaderboard (728x90), skyscraper (160x300), and large rectangle (336x280)) you want
to apply on your blog. That’s how very simple to install nuffnang ads on your
sites. Once it appear on your website, it will automatically start your
earnings and your websites statistics displays important keywords, number of
visitors and countries where came from, and your earnings history.
Friday, October 12, 2012
You are connected 24/7 in the internet doing nothing?
Many of us spent their time
surfing the Internet doing nothing. Perhaps, opening their social networking sites
like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and many more to communicate their
families, friends, and some important matters to receive updates. However, not
all the time you’re focusing on social networking sites doing same routine over
and over again waiting updates and doing nothing. One good thing if you’re
interested while doing nothing waiting for updates is to explore how to earn money
through online. Some of us they don’t have an idea how to work this task, it’s
quite impossible to earn money without investment right? Fortunately, you can
earn money without any investment. Just only a way of perseverance reading tip
on How
to earn Money Online.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
List of website in programming references and tutorials
There are various programming
website available in the internet where you can learn basic fundamental of
programming. Reference from books sometimes not enough to expand our learnings.
Furthermore, through internet we can find some useful tips and tutorials about programming concepts, joining forums site
to discuss problem matters, post and asking questions, download available
source code, and a lot more we can do as long you’re connected in the internet.
In addition, to join various forums sites, don’t tolerate others what they have
asking for or posting, instead make some advice for them if their post not
related in the forums, be a good commentators, and be humble all the time “a
good programmer/developer always silent to do their job not for the pride what
they had for the famed”.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Tourist spots photos in Malaysia
Malaysia is one of the fast
advancing Countries in Asia and wide range of famous tourist spots destination.
The capital City Kuala Lumpur describe like an opening a book that has various
exciting chapters because of it’s blessed with colors of modernism along with rich heritage.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Is it jogging increases life expectancy?
Study revealed regular jogging
just an hour a week at a slow or average speed increases life expectancy of Men by 6.2 years and Women by 5.6 years according to Copenhagen City Heart study presented at the EuroPRevent2012 meeting held in Dublin, Ireland on 3rd
to 5th of May 2012. The study
has discovered association for longevity with various forms of exercise and
other factors. Jogging deliver multiple health benefits to improves
cardiac function, increases insulin sensitivity, lowers blood pressure, increases
fibrinolytic activity, immune function, alertness of physical and mind,
prevents obesity, improves psychological function, relief stressful body, and helps keep your body
healthy and better able fend off illness. However, various form of exercises
ignore by many of us because they don’t have proper discipline how to manage
their healthy lives style and most probably they don’t have time wasting their
time for exercise because of some important matter about personal transaction,
that’s why many study has shown more people become obese, and other symptoms
when they are getting older.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Let’s explore Windows 8 Operating System features
Tips how to use Windows 8 Operating System and its new
Microsoft Windows 8 Operating System features changes everything
from the older version of Windows 7.
Everything has change, it looks like more than an ordinary Operating System as
what other operating system running on Desktop or Laptops. The new enhancement
features of Windows 8 focuses not only on Desktop or Laptops but on also on Tablets and Smartphones. Many users are so excited about Windows 8 features
because it’s more lightweight, smooth to used, everything are already there in
one view, and a lot more.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Latest updates New Lumia 920 no release date in sight
Watch out the latest updates from
Nokia and Microsoft's Windows Phone 8 event live from New York. Unfortunately, their entire release schedule, such as
it is, is obfuscated into the mists of "the fourth quarter of this
year." In other words, you'll be able to buy a Lumia Windows Phone 8
handset before the end of 2012, but exactly when, for how much, and with which
carrier, nobody outside Espoo yet knows. However, Nokia's inability to
commit to a release date today is not due to an issue with its hardware.
Hardware has never been Nokia's problem.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
New Nokia Lumia 920 features wireless charger
Nokia is all set to launch its Lumia
920 smartphone powered by Windows 8 OS tomorrow in New York, reports the Verge.
has come – Exclusive: Nokia Lumia 920 to include wireless
charging, 32GB storage, and 8-megapixel camera
Monday, September 3, 2012
What are additional features added in Office word 2013?
Overview some features added in new Office
2013 Preview
Microsoft Office 2013 was released its
Preview and can be download
for free to use it as beta test among users for collecting some feedback from
their new Office 2013 to identify bugs and errors, compatibility, and other
risks that will affects in the future. If you don’t have already install Office
2013 Preview, you can download it through online and install it in your
laptops, computers, or tablets. Office 2013 was designed for windows 8 at the
same time for tablet purposes. I had already installed Office 2013, it looks
like something different from the previous Office because if you are using
touch screen cellphones or tablets its feels the similarities. For instance,
when you open it, scrolling, navigating it sense like touch screen.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Complete list of 2013 holidays – Philippines
Plan for vacations
next year 2013? Palace announces official holidays in 2013 as Malacanang
issued Saturday the list of holidays for 2013. Under Proclamation 459, the Philippines will only get three long weekends next year.
Watch the Complete list of 2013 holidays.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Tips to give time our body for exercise and relaxation
How to manage your time to give
yourself with few minutes of exercise and relaxation? That’s the question most
people neglected because they don’t have time for it, especially if you’re
developer or programmer, gamers, internet or computer devoted, and other things
full of activity that don’t have enough time for exercises. Fortunately, manage
your time with few minutes of exercises helps your mind alive to manage all
necessary things to work with, keep all your body’s system working correctly,
and it will be able to better fend off illness. There are lot of exercises we
can work with to stay fit and healthy, and keeping your mind for relaxation in
a less an hour. For instance, jogging or walking is an instant exercise that
helps your metabolism up, which provides
you with energy and helps burn off unwanted weight and fats. Now, it’s time to
manage your time through exercise! A tip to enjoy and get the benefits of
exercise is inviting your friends to join because it’s more fun to have accompanied
to get not bored. However, the most important thing to keep in mind is know how
to discipline in order to achieve your goal.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
What’s new in Microsoft Office 2013 Version?
A year ago was Office 2007 and Office 2010 released and now Microsoft Preview
a future release of Office 2013. Could
you image the development of Microsoft on its products in the market how they
compete other companies like Apple
and Google? And now, they are trying
more competitive against other technology that take place on the market,
everything makes possible to happen. Life’s made easy and most probably people
now get lazy because they are rely on but make use of them with a purpose not the
seek for interest to use in illegal intention. What if there’s no internet, gadgets, or technology, is it possible many people devoted on this world of
technology can’t live well? Perhaps that’s true, right?
Saturday, August 11, 2012
God’s remind us to be his alike
God can’t be seen but it feels
truly our hearts how he really love us and his words so powerful, and we couldn’t
fill all our riches on this earth to become his alike. Instead, to be like God,
we need to offer our life to him with all our hearts and obey all his words and
follow what he already done on this earth. A simple message receives from God
reminds us how to be strong in every trials comes in our life, through his
presence, he never lead our way to nothing. God is always on our presence to
guide us in every steps of the way through the right pathway of our journey in
life. If you doubt, trust him whatever happens because in God nothing is impossible,
and a prayer often in our day to day lives on this earth will always bear in
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
5 tips to subscribe sports channels online
There are different ways how to
subscribe sports channels online via live streaming directly can be watch on
your TV, PC’s, Laptops, or perhaps on your portable phone. In many countries,
they are preferred to watch at home because it’s more convenient than watching
on a place where the game is situated, for instance its hassle for some people
if the place is not fine. In fact, it is more advantage if you are in placed
where the games are played. However, there’s an alternative way not going too
far to watch your favorite sports, just simply subscribe online channels. Here
are the following 5 tips how you might supposed to do.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
People cannot live without technology and internet
Do you believe some people can’t
live without technology or internet? I prefer this question those people are
often have technology at their hand and internet connection for instant access
to speed up the process for their transactions.
More often, our life rely
everything about technology in our day to day transaction to speed up our
operations and make things possible to happen. As years goes by, we couldn’t
predict how fast the technology can change our life, nothing we could ask because everything are already exist that
specifically intended for our needs.
Watch 2012 Olympic Games live on your PC online
London 2012 Olympic Games live
streaming online can be watch now directly on your PC’s or laptops at home. You
only have to do is to subscribe via online channels where you can watch various
channels with different sports events; it offers satisfactory 100 percent
guarantee of your money. If you get interested to glimpse the list of events and venues in various sports events to witness the 2012 athletes at London here is
the chance to watch online. We all know this big event have a big impact in our
society because this sport among the highest sports in history to be witness.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Message from God – a simple prayer lead your way
You Father in heaven, my words as I
commanded unto you, keep this for your journey of your life. This is the life
and a new everlasting life. The world may be passing but my words remain flesh.
The bible is your daily bread of life, which contained the Alpha and Omega, the
beginning and end of your life. Honor me with all your heart, and with all your
soul, and with your entire mind. Whatever you have done on this world as what I
had commanded is your riches in heaven. Be humble to yourself; don’t think others
who judge who you are. Do your best for what is good and what is right. Don’t
lose hope, for those who believed and trust in me will be guided and lighten
their way.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Why blogging is one of my hobbies?

Sunday, July 8, 2012
Where can I find a delicious seafood’s in the Philippines?
Tips where I can taste delicious
seafood’s in the Philippines at affordable price.
It’s more fun in the Philippines
– In comes in seafood’s capital of the
Philippines, Roxas City, Capiz
is the best! Because of its delicious and exotic foods offers in various
tourists who come in the City of Roxas. Even though it is a small island in the
Philippines perhaps didn’t recognized by many people or other countries but it
provides huge amount of natural resources, especially proudly present “seafood’s
capital of the Philippines”. I came at this point because seafood’s is one of
my favorite foods often to eat when I go to Roxas, that’s why I share this to
let them know how seafood’s at Roxas City taste something unique. For those who
not come to taste the seafood’s here at Roxas City, everybody is welcome to
savor how delicious the foods serve when you are here at this place. However,
many rural areas in the Philippines have their own specialty in comes in
delicious and exotic foods, but others could not acknowledge. Indeed, it’s more
fun in the Philippines to live and explore some uncover spot that couldn’t find
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Why Apple, Microsoft, and Google provide our needs?
Apple, Microsoft, and Google
are those leading
companies around the world that provides all our necessities in various stuffs
that makes things possible and handy to use. This three companies are aim not only
to earn money, but to offer their best available in the market to value the
needs of every individual. In fact, technology trends boost more rapidly all
over the year and sometimes we could not feel the changes happening in every
technology arise in the market. The ease use of technology in any establishment
builds huge opportunities to promote their products and quickly manage a large
amount of data coming in and out because of computerized B2B transaction. In addition, Apple, Microsoft, and Google provide
gadgets specifically design for business purposes that meet our needs. However,
abuse the use of technology
can affects our lives, for instance, the use in illegal purposes.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Tips in building a strong relationship with your partner
To build a strong relationship is not merely easy, just like
painting a wall, once it finish, nothing will follow unless will wait for order
to repaint again for innovation. Relationship is a continuous task and
repeatedly felt by our emotion where both partners are involved in making
lovability of being in love. In addition, it’s a sense where most people can’t
explain by thoughts what love is. Many of us wish to build a strong
relationship with their partner for assurances not to lost their special
someone in the future, for instance, many are afraid, specifically if you far
away with your love once because for some circumstances will happen.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Tips how to watch 2012 Olympic Games
It’s nice to come and visit London tourist spot.
London hosts 2012 Olympic Games –
The big event in the history of sports.
The event starts on July 27 –
August 12, 2012 and Paralympics
Games August 29 – September 9, 2012.
One of the most awaited sports that most people really wanted to watch
personally and witness amazing athletes in various sport events. Unfortunately,
many of us can’t go to London to glimpse the game because it far from their
country or perhaps very expensive. One alternative tips how to watch 2012
Olympic Games is to subscribe Online Live Streaming directly can be watch on your PC’s at home. In addition,
various channels are available and 100 percent satisfactory guarantee.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Tips how to make a rich content in my blog
Are you enthusiast in making quality
content in your blog?
To create content in your blog is
a challenge for some many writers out there in order to produce rich and
relevant content for their blog. However, it’s hard to make content if you
don’t have a source of information gather which will be needed. Think a unique
and relevant title about the content which you are going to publish because
once the title matches the named on other blog site page title, the tendency of
your page will not rank higher because somebody’s are already made that title
and most probably Google priorities who’s come first. The main advantage why we
need to make a rich content on our blog is to recognize by Google and other
search engine that your site has a value to provide pertinent information to
the readers on the internet.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Search Engine Optimization tips and guidelines for beginners
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Download Now |
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Create a share button with a vertical bar for blogger
In various website, share button
like facebook, twitter, google plus, and other social networking site are mostly
common in every websites that appears anywhere in the content of their blog.
The main advantage having these social networking sites in your blog, if the
readers like your post and it’s very helpful, they can automatically share it.
Moreover, it increases the visibility and exposure of your blog, expected tons
of visitors will come on your site because of its relevant information they get
from your blog. If you newbie in blogging, you don’t have enough idea what are
those necessary stuffs could be apply in order to get more traffic comes on
your websites. The aim why you put those buttons on your blog is to increases
the reputation of your website and
Google treats that your site has a good quality content in providing
resourceful stuffs and updated information.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Why most people love to watch movie?
Is it possible to
watch movie without knowing enough what language was already written?
Believe it or not as what I’ve
been encountered or maybe you too. Even we’re not the same dialect or perhaps
we can’t understand what they speak whatever is it and in comes in movie,
doesn’t measure what languages are in movies as long emotion and facial
expression are presence, it makes you satisfied what is intended of the movie.
In some rural area, many people can’t write, can’t understand simple language
or even can’t speak simple English, despite what problem is it, to watch movie
and their favorite icons is an important part no matter what languages or
countries the movie was based. That was most people really wanted why they love
to watch movies. Most probably, those action, adventure, cartoons and horror
are the movies they preferred to watch, moreover, romantic and no more fighting
scenes are less important to them. In
fact, it’s better to have a better understanding what is all about the movie.
In what scene makes
you satisfied watching movies and get interested you most?
Everyone has their own perception
and a vision how they appreciate the movie. Some get bored, others are satisfied;
indeed, just only the reality as what we scrutinize the movie production. Most
people like to watch movies maybe it’s because was based on a real story or
science fiction that may gain knowledge what goes beyond the story of the
Aside the story and learning’s
what we gain to the movies, did you think other helpful that can expand your imagination
where you can glimpse some important stuff on the movies, although it’s intangible
but it brings you broader information. For instance, to sight the culture, way
of living, places, and etc. that can possibly be differentiate our way of
living to other countries. Even though we cannot travel around the world, we
can’t understand their languages and speak their dialect, just because of movie,
we can appreciate them how it seems similar to our country and whatever your
country it is.
In general, this is my own
opinion, because aside the story and learning’s from the movie. I am interested
knowing other countries culture and way of living. Sometimes, I’m thinking what
if sooner will be there in that place, how it feels and met people and speak
their own vernacular. In addition, these stuffs take a quick look how I really
love and appreciate to watch movie.
In your own opinion, in what scene makes you satisfied watching
movies and get interested you most? Share it in your friends what their opinion
as well.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
How to connect my facebook page, twitter, and delicious account
Share, tweets, and connect your blog to social networking websites
One way to obtain more traffic
about your website is the use of various social network like facebook, twitter,
and delicious. In addition, a lot of social networks sites where you can put link
together with your account.
Here is the lists most popular social networking site.
Google +
Why we should link to social network and be connected to them? If you
did blogging for a couple of months or years, maybe others don’t already
knowledge what it is. All they know is to create a blog, choose a topic, make articles
and published on their blog. What’s the point, the articles you made in your
blog perhaps might be helpful to others. That’s why we need to be connected to
social network in order the visibility of your blog available on the internet.
How would be able to connect facebook, twitter, and delicious account?
The good thing happens, once you’ve
already connected account, whatever you tweets also posted in facebook and
delicious. That’s amazing because both social networks allow account to be connected
and ease of use because no need to post every social networking site to be
If you had already blog, it’s
better to have facebook fan page on your blog, personalized twitter account,
and delicious account as well. Now, you had already account, is time to connect
them together.
To setup in twitter account, login to
your account, go to settings and
select profile. Post your tweets to facebook
By connecting your accounts, your tweets can be published to your fan page wall.
Once it appears, instead of my facebook profile, select your facebook page where you did it already
on your facebook page. Now, you’re connected twitter to facebook account, your tweets
automatically posted on your facebook page wall.
To set up in delicious account, login
to your account, go to settings and
in tab control, select sources.
This screenshot provides you idea
how to setup delicious to twitter account. Whatever you tweets, also publish on
your delicious account. Let the default settings, no more changes.
Connect another
Twitter account to save links from tweets...
In delicious, it allow to connect
multiple twitter account
In addition, you may also Link your Facebook Profile to Twitter
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Find out my website reputation on the internet
High quality websites obviously got
the high reputation in the search engine because it provides relevant and
updated information to the readers over the internet what they search for. If
you did blog for several years but you didn’t know yet about your website
reputation, find out what tools can possibly be use in order to maintain the
consistency of your website on the internet, review Tips in SEO Guidelines to boost your site reputation. Most popular tool that allows
monitoring the behavior of your website is It
collects data on browsing behavior and transmits it to the websites, where it
is stored and analyzed. In addition, it provides traffic, rankings, and other
information in every website reputation on the internet. This happens to an significant factor in leveraging
your blog’s ranking as a sell point to sponsors, buyers, advertisers, readers
and whoever else wish for a piece of your stuff. Basically, to acquire quick
view about your website reputation, you can use alexa toolbar that automatically appear on your browser where you
can seen every website reputation how they rank on the internet once it already
How to gets high
reputation in search engines?
Most probably, Alexa guarantee
those websites that has high quality content and many incoming good links
pointing directly to your website. Relevance has to do with how easily the
search engines can tell if your page provides pertinent information. A
reputation is measured by the link popularity and the number of websites that
links to your site because search engines count those incoming links as votes
for the quality of your websites. Unfortunately, not all links to be counted to increase your site reputation because there are other website has bad
reputations that harm the ranking of your website in a search engines. A good
links come those website that has high quality reputation on the internet.
Now, you’re lucky enough if your
website has many incoming links from high reputation websites on the internet.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
How to create blog and choose the right blogging websites
started in blog is not easy for novice to acquire exactly what is blogging
all about and most probably didn’t know yet what are those websites can offers
free tools in blogging. In addition, there’s a lot of blogging websites in the
internet where you can create your own personal blog that has ease of use. Indeed,
it doesn’t require programming skills in order to create a personal websites
and most website on the internet more often use of drag and drop features that
allows user to create blog without even knowledge about basic HTML tags. However,
its more advantages if you had already a background in HTML + CSS, especially
if you are web developer.
List of free blogging websites
In general, every blogging sites
has their own advantages and disadvantages depends what’s the user’s need,
because there are other websites can’t provide what you’re really intended to
work with.
Here are the lists of free
blogging websites that frequently used in the internet and most preferred by
many users.
is a powerful blog platform among other blog sites because of its features.
It’s more powerful if you purchase domain name and use Wordpress as your blog
own by Google, one of most widely used blog site because you’re allowed to
advertise third party program unlike other blogging websites. Now, new
blogger user interface more features added that allow more SEO – friendly.
a great blog tool for writers. This is the place where you can join the group
to challenge among other writer anyone who’s looking for.
offers a simple step by step website creation with drag and drop interface.
It’s powerful and looks professional designed.
also own by Google as part of the Google Apps productivity suite, an easy way
to create rich webpages and anybody will be able to build a team – oriented
site where many people can work together and share files on the internet.
allows creating blog with unlimited bandwidth for free members and its more
advantages for those paid members.
Just a few free blogging websites
I acknowledged above. Fortunately, there’s a lot of blogging platform where it
can be use in the internet.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Where I can watch live channels online?
Tips how to watch
your favorite sports channels online
Online live streaming to watch
directly on your PC is now available throughout the internet and many websites
are offers this kind of stuffs. In addition, not of them 100% satisfactory
guarantee. If you prefer to watch for free, not necessarily promise that the
website offers are always available on the internet. If you are going to plan
to watch sports channels online that has unlimited channels directly to watch
on your pc, I recommend this website for you Stream Direct Sports! A largest online network on the internet that provides 100%
satisfactory guarantee of your money.
Watch TV shows exclusively on your MAC
TV shows is one of the most
popular shows online that many different countries offers their best TV shows
that available through online channels to provide many people to watch their
favorites TV shows in various languages. There are websites also offers for
free and most probably for replays and reviews. If you wish to watch live on
your PC, I recommend this website for you Watch TV Shows that exclusively watch on your MAC, 100% MAC OSX compatible.
Unfortunately, this link I provided is specific only for MAC
In general, any link provided
here is not my accountability in the future. I only recommend those websites I
really trusted on the internet and besides it offers a lot.
For more details can be found on
the links provided websites if you wish to plan to watch online channels directly
on your PC.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
How to earn money online through blog?
Wants to earn extra profit, try and learn how to blog!
Online job is one of the most
popular ways to earn money because we can work at home and you are free to
manage yourself to accomplish the given tasks assigned. Basically, a lot of
different online job can be found in the internet if you are job seeker. Yet, some people didn’t know how to find it,
and some have doubt is it possible to earn money online without any investment.
Fortunately, blogging is an alternative way if you are not going to affiliate
websites that offers online job. In fact, you are the one to decide which
product or advertisement program you are going to promote based on the content
of your website. In addition, you can appoint someone who makes your articles
depends the topic you are going to publish on your website and the target
viewers you’re really wanted. Unfortunately, it is not an easy job to
accomplish this type of online job because of competition of some competitors
in the internet to earn also what you’re really intended for. Generally, that’s
the game how would you able to survive the battle.
How will survive the game, what shall we do?
Blogging is a long run
competition over the internet and not necessarily to earn exactly. Don’t give
up if your website is not visible or maybe no visitors visited on your website,
just wait for the right time. On the other hand, not necessarily waiting for
nothing, it should applied basic understanding about Search Engine Optimization SEO
strategies and some guidelines
in blogging to obtain the visibility of your website and attain high rank
on the search engine.
Furthermore, if your website got
the higher rank on the search engine like Google,
Yahoo, and Bing, definitely
you’re the winner among those competitors. Now, you’re luckily earned money
without any investment, just only the perseverance and patience. Yet, you have
to take good care of the content of your website to provide relevant
information and value the needs of the readers. In addition, the content of
your website must be updated in order the consistency of your rank still
Tools to use in creating a blog
There are various websites offers
free platform for creating a blog, yet advantages and disadvantages are the main constraints
among them. The most likely and widely used is Blogger because it’s free, and now it’s new Blogger
User Interface that SEO-friendly
in search engine. Also, Wordpress is a
powerful tool in comes in blogging because it provides a nice themes, looks, capabilities
to organize post and pages, and a lot more. However, only paid domain can fully
access all features of Wordpress and for free Wordpress domain doesn’t grant
third party advertising program where you can earn extra profit just what
Blogger provided.
What affiliate program can be use to earn extra profit?
To start with, you will be able to
sign up those free blogging websites and select according what you’re intended
to your blog, and choose the right topic where suited you most. Here’s some
program where you can affiliate that could be help to earn extra revenue from
your blog.
So far, those I stated above can help you. In fact, many
websites on the internet also offers identical but advantages and disadvantages
are the main constraints.
Now, let’s enjoy blogging and
share to the world about your tips, thoughts, and other stuffs that may people let may know!
If you get pleasure in my blog,
please share this link to the world or to your friends!
Friday, May 25, 2012
What is new about blogger user interface?
Blogger is one of the most popular
blog site where you can create your own personal website and spread to the
world about your activities, thoughts, feelings, and other tips and stuffs that anyone
can find you all over the world. Blogger it’s free, anyone can register without
any investment and can be allow using third party advertising program. The
advantages why blogger is most widely used is because its ease of used, user –
friendly, and own by Google. Didn’t know Google yet? Google is a popular search
engine where your blog site typically appears in a search engine result. When it
comes in Search Engine Optimization SEO,
obviously, Google priorities their own product appears in a search engine. However,
Google not guarantee that all blogger users’ appears in Google search engine
because other users ignore some guidelines
while doing their own blog to get higher rank in Google.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Visual Studio 11 new IDE updates
The new enhancement
on Visual Studio 11 and some updates features
Visual Studio 11 was released on
February beta version, the most significant factors encountered was the User Interface on Visual Studio 11 IDE
because a lot of changes when compared to the previous version of Visual Studio
2010 specifically the coloring and icons as what many developers criticized.
However, as many feedback received by Microsoft about new VS11, Microsoft is
making changes to the user interface for the planned Visual Studio 11 IDE
enhancement that satisfy the needs of every developers which impact coloring,
icon usability, and application of the Metro color in a very straightforward
and consistent manner. In deal with usability concern, Microsoft reintroduced
color to select commands, IntelliSense, and Solution Explorer hierarchy icons
to emphasize some important tools needed by developers.
Visual Studio 11 System Requirements
The team said upon system
requirements for the new released of Visual Studio 11. “If you are working on
previous version of Visual Studio 2010 it cannot be affects the hardware requirements”.
In Visual Studio 11, you can enjoy the new improved and increases performance.
Some key features available on Visual Studio 11 release
When the release of fully version of Visual Studio 11 that available in
the market?
Microsoft has no exact date when
Visual Studio 11 will be generally available. There has been some speculation
about the release of Visual Studio 11. A Microsoft representative said,
although Visual Studio 11 still working little of the new IDE, it might end up
being called Visual Studio 2012 upon
official release.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
The importance of sitemap in blog
Generally, to create blog is easy
to learn particularly for the newbie’s wants to own their personal blog. Basically,
blogger is one of the most popular blog site that’s own by Google and widely
used all over the world because it’s free and user – friendly to used. However,
getting started in blogging should follow some tips often to remember in order the consistency of you blog available and
visible to the readers over the internet. One is the most important to
configure when you start blogging is the use of Sitemaps. Sitemap is a way how your site crawled and index by
Google in the search engine result. With Google sitemap, your site get higher
quality rank and most probably search result help people find more relevant
information of your web pages.
Guideline for Sitemap
A sitemap must not larger than 50 MB when
uncompressed and limit the contain URL not more than 50,000.
Limit the sitemap, you don’t need to submit each
Sitemap file individually and do not include session IDs in URLs.
You must follow the right syntax when using
Sitemap, URL must be UTF8 – encoded, and encoded for readability by the web
server on which it is located.
Use unique URLs to make sure each language
version can be crawled and indexed by Google.
How to submit sitemap in Google Webmaster
To submit – first you have already webmaster tools account
in order to add sitemap in your sites. Unfortunately, I only provide how to add
sitemap in Webmaster Tools. Now, considered you had already website existing in
Webmaster Tools. In dashboard, select Optimization
and click Sitemaps. In the right
above, ADD/TEST SITEMAP. The following
The basic way how to add sitemap, you
can use.
example .com/rss.xml
you can use as preferred above or you may also use below. Just follow the steps.
submit a sitemap for the blog, enter the following link extension after .com/linkextensionhere.
This is to index the first 100 posts on your blog, which
means post number 1 until post number 100.
To index more than 100 posts on
your blog. This will index 101 until post number 200
To index more than 200 post on
your blog. This will index 201 until 300
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Doubting which programming language to use
Are you doubt which programming
languages you are going to learn? I think this is one question that comes in
mind who wants to acquire knowledge about programming. However, programming
concepts not only learn by a student who takes computer subjects, anyone can be
a programmer by basic
understanding what is programming all about. If you are going to master
which language be able to use, stick to one language where potentially suited
you most.
In reality, if you learned already one language then you has also an idea what other programming language does. The only differences are the syntax because there are other languages that cannot support what does other languages did. Eventually, every language has advantages and disadvantages according to their use. Here are the lists of programming language in alphabetical order which one or more you likely use.
In reality, if you learned already one language then you has also an idea what other programming language does. The only differences are the syntax because there are other languages that cannot support what does other languages did. Eventually, every language has advantages and disadvantages according to their use. Here are the lists of programming language in alphabetical order which one or more you likely use.
The most probably used
programming languages by programmers are:
1. Java
2. PHP
3. C#
4. C++
5. C
A good choice of programming
language varies how programmers deal with it.
How frequently enjoy in blogging
Blogging is an exciting way to
express thoughts, knowledge, learning, and ideas in many readers that might be
provide relevant information. I guess, why many people enjoy blogging is
because readers like their article to read that could provide good source of
information they needed. However, there are some articles that bothering in mind which useful information is appropriate to use. Indeed, blogging is more fun!
Tips for getting started in blogging
To create blog and understanding important
guidelines how to post, use template, layout, and other configuration settings is really quite simple to learn. However, here are the tips in blogging often to remember.
One important thing in blogging is “Patience”. Don’t
get overwhelm that your blog automatically visible in the search engine and rank it
Let Google discover your blog because any
against Google policies can affects the ranking of your site.
Don’t use software that generates automatic
submission in order to index your site.
Unique and rich in content is very important,
any duplicate content can be penalizing by Google and it can affect your
Don’t use repeated keywords on your content. Note:
Google update their algorithm how they fetch your content into search engine
Image can’t be searchable without image title
Template is very important; if you wish to use
downloadable themes and apply it to your blog, it must be validated by W3C.
Don’t use excessive brilliant of ads on your
So far, this tips as I know yet. Additional tips are welcome for commentary!