Saturday, August 11, 2012

God’s remind us to be his alike

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God can’t be seen but it feels truly our hearts how he really love us and his words so powerful, and we couldn’t fill all our riches on this earth to become his alike. Instead, to be like God, we need to offer our life to him with all our hearts and obey all his words and follow what he already done on this earth. A simple message receives from God reminds us how to be strong in every trials comes in our life, through his presence, he never lead our way to nothing. God is always on our presence to guide us in every steps of the way through the right pathway of our journey in life. If you doubt, trust him whatever happens because in God nothing is impossible, and a prayer often in our day to day lives on this earth will always bear in mind.

The Messages From God guide us out of the limited mind into a shift to the heart of love, bringing us a world of only love. Through the message, God leads us to a grand perspective in which we open the heart, and every facet of life becomes about love, a reflection of our beloved Creator.

The heart of love is the true instrument of perception. As we open the heart to God, not only do we draw reflection of the heart of love into our daily lives, but our heart of love becomes a magnetic field for entraining the heart of love of all of humanity. We become pure conduits for the light and love of God. Living with God what we are asking is possible to happen. 

God message reminds us

I can do everything through God

in God nothing is impossible

“Love is all there is. God is only love. Everything is made of love. Everything is God. So are we.”
