Tuesday, October 23, 2012

How to earn money online in the Philippines?


Philippine Peso
There are various way to how earn money online in the Philippines. Moreover, depends where the target audience wants to make extra profit, perhaps to the whole world if possible, but it’s too hard to beat or compete other competitors in the internet where the same intention you have. Just start only in a small area within your territory. In addition, there’s a lot of strategy how to earn money online, for instance, social networking sites is a great tool to communicate the audience what you’re trying to advertise your things or stuffs. Indeed, most probably investment is very important. Do you believe without any investment you can earn money online? Definitely, Yes! Just only the perseverance and patience are always in your mind because there’s no easy way to earn money.

Here are the tips want to learn:

Do you have a blog? – learn how. This is an optional, but it’s better to have your own blog because this is a great advantage if you had. Why, again, believe it or not, through blogging you can earn extra profit in there, by monetizing your blog such as advertisement programs (Google Adsense, Infolinks, Chitika, and more) through expressing your thoughts, share some tips, and other stuffs, this are absolutely the key ideas. However, if you did blogging for a several months or years without knowing how to make money in the Philippines, learn how to affiliate nuffnang advertisement program and start your earnings to sign up. Indeed, it doesn’t require you to create blog to start earnings. It only requires you have own any social networking sites account that has already friends such as Facebook or Twitter, the more friends or followers are the better.

Now, the question is how could I earn? How big it is?

Definitely, that’s the first comes in your mind. Do you hear the word churpchurp? Sounds funny, right? Do you believe we can earn money with churpchurp? Sign Up to prove it. It’s the same as nuffnang. The only difference both of them, nuffnang is an ad network where you can place ads on your blog page where you can earn depends the number of per unique visitor’s visits on your site and clicks, while churpchurp is an account as identical as facebook or twitter. It works by referring URL’s products in various social networking sites using their default hash tags, but you can modify it as you want.  Once you have an account, it will automatically display available products or items want’s to share, that’s called a rewards. However, rewards changes occasionally. Every rewards has a specific amount. Let say, Php. 15, 00.00. This is a budget of a products/items wants to share by every members. The more friends you referring, the more earning you have. Because, every clicks you refer to your friends or somebody’s who’s clicking what you share, instantly, you get a reward Php. 7.00 per every unique clicks. Now, explore how to find more audience by every referrals you refer for them. So, what are you waiting for, let’s start Sign Up to boost your earnings. 