Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Search Engine Optimization tips and guidelines for beginners


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Did you know Google is one of the most popular search engines that provide relevant and updated information over the internet because whatever our request to query certain data, no doubt that Google can provide them all. To maintain the consistency and trust by many people, Google becomes more powerful over a year to secure all information they provided are relevant. Furthermore, various people on the internet has a dirty SEO tactics on their website in order to get high rank on a search engine even though few content or perhaps outdated information can provide it. In that way, Google did not guarantee to increase more traffic and your website will fail, probably ignore by Google and doesn’t appear on the search engine.

To get high rank on search engine doesn’t takes only a few months that most SEO technicians practice and it won’t be rewarded anymore for taking shortcuts whatever the methods applied. However, if you did this technique less a month that your website got a high rank on the search engine, Google trace your website and treat it as a spam. Google detect any suspicious tools, specifically the one which use automated software that submit generated url into directories and some bookmarking sites without hassle, and post generated content to other websites that brings your site into punishment. To increase the consistency and availability of your website on the internet, let it crawl naturally, be patient whatever you did. Don’t hesitate if your website doesn’t rank higher or doesn’t appear on search engines, time will come Google will pick up your website and put it into search engine if the content of your websites provides updated and relevant information. In addition, if you often update your websites that provides unique content, no doubt that Google value whatever you made on your sites.

The value of Content in your websites is very important

If you are newbie about blogging, first thing you do is to copy the content of other sites and paste it on your blog, another thing often to use is to spin the article in order to generate new content. That’s true right? Just what I did before when I first to start in blogging because I didn’t know what blogging all about is and what are necessary stuffs could be apply in my blog. In general, content of your blog is the KING because Google try to scan those important keywords from your content and put it into search engine result whatever they query that matches the content of your sites. As what Google updates latest algorithm, called Penguin, the main aim is clear when it comes in quality content. In addition, any software that used article spinner can also determine by google and lead your site into bad reputation. In fact, it’s really hard to establish a site that has few contents, particularly new websites created because (the older the better) - Google priorities those website are already established that has more quality content to provide. Besides, nothing to worry about this let your site crawls and find by Google.

Guidelines to take advantages to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) success

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To start blogging or some personal created websites and choose the right domain name is merely easy. Did you think naming you domain has main advantage in SEO success? The key factor is this, try to name you website that relates the topics are you going to tackle on your blog or websites. Every time you post, think a title to support your content and make it simple (not too long) and unique, because duplicate title may affects your ranking and has a possibility to penalize by Google. Domain name + URL are one of the main factors of SEO guideline to increase the value of your website on search engine.

Search Engine Optimization SEO: On – Page and Off- Page factors

On – page and off – page SEO is the basic foundation for newbie’s before to start in blogging even though it is more complicated to learn. Unfortunately, this practice doesn’t learn from the beginning because many blogger’s out there doesn’t enough information what is it. To start blogging, you should have an idea how to optimize you site even a simple SEO guideline so that your site have direction where to go through.

On – Page SEO factors is everything on your websites such as:

Domain name
Keyword in URL
Keyword in title tag and body
Navigation keywords in internal and outgoing links
Freshness of pages and links
Rich in quality content
Heading tags (H1, H2, and H3)
Alt tags on images
Top level domain extension (.gov, .edu, and .org are site highest status)
Age of page and ages of site (newer pages on an older site will get faster recognition on the search engine result)

Off – Page SEO has more important factors to increase the site reputation.

Total incoming Links (backlinks)
Incoming links from high – ranking page (High PR sites, .gov, .edu., and .org sites)
Anchor text of inbound links to you (Change of anchor text not good)
Age of link (Old = Good)
Directory links (especially from
Page metrics – user behavior (page selection rate, time spent on page, referrer)

On – page and off – page shall to avoid

Over Optimization Penalty (too high keyword repetition may lead you penalize.)
Excessive cross – linking
Link to bad neighborhood websites
Page edit and change of content can diminish consistency
Excessive scripted language
Traffic buying and linking – buying (Google doesn’t guarantee get high PR in a short period of time)
Zero link to you (at least one incoming backlinks to your site)
Domain hacking (can result in imprisonment)
Automated URL’s submission

More details information from this URL’s.

Basic strategies to increase the exposure of your site in public

To increase the traffic comes in your blog is quite difficult to manage, and sometime it’s hard to achieve tons of visitors coming on your sites. However, there’s a lot of strategy can work with to boost your traffic. Here are few can help you out!

Try to create content that most people want or maybe trending topic on the internet. However, blogging is a fashion not obligatory. Choose which well-suited you most, not necessarily to grab it because sometime you get bored. Make an effort to create account in various forum sites and commenting blogs in order to get backlinks pointing to your site, make sure the forums and your comment is related on the content of your blog. Also, create an account on Social Networking sites like facebook and twitter and link it up so that any updates you post on facebook will also updated on your twitter account without opening them. To link twitter to facebook or vise versa is very important. In addition, don’t forget to bookmark your site on different bookmarking websites like delicious, diigo, digg, reddit, and a lot more… Sounds challenging but it helps to boost the reputation of your site.

One more thing added with the use of floating vertical button bar like facebook, twitter, and Google plus to enable to share if somebody like your post. Google count this as point.

Fortunately, “I want to share this to you because I’m having fun writing my own blog and published it so that for some newbie’s out their can expand their ideas on how to start blogging and enjoy it as their hobby”. Now, I’m blessed for ideas that I had learned through browsing the net and read some articles that help to figure out what are those stuffs can benefits me most. Unfortunately, I’m not good in writing, but I tried my best to honor my content of this blog for everyone. If you feel the content of this blog is resourceful, share it with your friends or bookmarks me. 