Blogger is one of the most popular
blog site where you can create your own personal website and spread to the
world about your activities, thoughts, feelings, and other tips and stuffs that anyone
can find you all over the world. Blogger it’s free, anyone can register without
any investment and can be allow using third party advertising program. The
advantages why blogger is most widely used is because its ease of used, user –
friendly, and own by Google. Didn’t know Google yet? Google is a popular search
engine where your blog site typically appears in a search engine result. When it
comes in Search Engine Optimization SEO,
obviously, Google priorities their own product appears in a search engine. However,
Google not guarantee that all blogger users’ appears in Google search engine
because other users ignore some guidelines
while doing their own blog to get higher rank in Google.
Blogger vs. Wordpress
As what I been learned and explore
both Blogger and Wordpress. Equally, we’re often provides our needs. In Wordpress,
there’s a lot of things you can work with that’s not provided and can’t be used
in blogger such as the dynamic uses of pages, apply different plug-ins, and
customized template, although blogger can grant to the users to customize the
theme but not straightforward as what Wordpress provided. Nevertheless, in
comes for free I preferred to used blogger because you can apply third party
advertising program such as Google
Adsense, Infolinks, and Bidvertiser that is not grant by
Wordpress unless you pay the domain name. Once you paid the domain name, you
are free how are you going to customize your site and a lot of functionality available
that can be applied on your site how it looks like, that’s one main advantage
using Wordpress.
Why blogger change new User Interface?
As Google updates blogger User Interface, many users condemned about
the new face of blogger because of some changes particularly the color, icons,
and the position of tools that can be found on blogger home page. When you are
encountering using for the first time blogger user interface maybe the first
comes in your mind is the look, because it’s so weird. To be frank, big changes
they made for the new face of blogger. Unfortunately, we’re the user’s, we don’t
blame the blogger developers what they perspective aim for. Indeed, just enjoy
the new Blogger User Interface and
explore the benefits brings us. However, blogger not only change the appearance
how it looks. When you’re using often Wordpress that we can put description every
post for search description, allow custom robots tags, and search preferences. Fortunately,
blogger provides SEO friendly where you can also put search description about
your post, custom robots tags, and improves dynamic pages. Blogger Search Preferences also allow using
Meta tags, Errors and redirections, and crawlers and indexing your pages such
as Custom robots.txt that let search engine crawl on your website, and custom
robots header tags which posts and pages searchable to the search engine.